Nurture - Learn - Achieve
Hingham Primary School
Hingham Primary School, Hardingham Street, Hingham, Norfolk, NR9 4JB
Click on the above link to listen to Mrs Newrick, our Headteacher, and some of our pupils talking to Wally Webb about Forest School (We are 2 hours and 24 mins into the programme).
We also appeared on the EDP website ( and the front page and p32 of the Attleborough Mercury.
Woodland Trust Trees Planted The team from Easton and Otley College planted trees in the new Forest School area.
Abel Homes Support Outdoor Project Abel Homes erected a fence around the new Forest School area.
Contemporary Issues in Forest School An explanation of the philosophy behind Forest School in the UK
Forest School Training Co. An explanation of Forest School, its ethos and principles from a leading training organisation
Forest School Association Useful information from the national Forest School organisation