Nurture - Learn - Achieve
Hingham Primary School
Hingham Primary School, Hardingham Street, Hingham, Norfolk, NR9 4JB
School governors are volunteers who help to run the school. Most schools work with a group of school governors - together they’re called the 'governing body'. They’re involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline.
Governors also help to make big decisions about the school’s long-term goals. They support headteachers, but also ask questions and make sure the headteacher is taking the school in the right direction.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
To find out more about being a governor click here
Susan Gothard - Chair of governors, Safeguarding Governor
Local Authority Governor
Term of office: 7.10.20 - 6.10.24
Victoria Newrick - Headteacher
Headteacher governor
Louise Spencer - SENCO
Staff governor
Term of office:10.12.22 - 9.12.26
Barbara Eager - Health and Safety link governor
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 5.12.22 - 4.12.26
Paul Martinez - Finance governor
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 4.11.20 - 3.11.24
Parent Governor
Term of office:
Rachael Brown
Parent Governor
Term of office: 16.11.22 - 15.11.26
Thomas Gerry Dixon
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 6.3.24 - 5.3.28
Samantha Burrell
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 6.3.24 - 5.3.28
Paul Roberts
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 12.6.24 - 11.6.28
Thomas Shackleton - Deputy Headteacher
Associate Member (No voting rights unless deputising for headteacher)
Term of office: 11.1.23 - 10.1.27
Elizabeth Williams
Clerk to the governors
We will hold 9 Full Governing Body meetings. We will have no committees but will have certain governors attached to certain areas of school strategic management and monitoring.
Hingham Primary SchoolAttendance |
Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent |