Nurture - Learn - Achieve
Hingham Primary School
Hingham Primary School, Hardingham Street, Hingham, Norfolk, NR9 4JB
Reading with your child on a daily basis is one of the most important factors in raising a reader for life and, more importantly, is fun!
There are lots of great ideas below for how to make shared story time part of your daily routine.
10 top tips to encourage children to read The government have brought together a list of ways to help primary-aged children read at home.
When we're small, our imagination is big, wild and exciting. You can help to channel this, and develop reading and communication skills through storytelling. Reading to your little ones is also a great way to spend some quality time with one another.
Guardian article: How I managed to raise a little bookworm in the age of smartphones and tablets Most children now prefer screens to books but it is possible to nurture a passion for print
Find below a link to our phonics page for more information of how children learn to read using synthetic phonics and for how you can support your child with this.