Nurture - Learn - Achieve
Hingham Primary School
Hingham Primary School, Hardingham Street, Hingham, Norfolk, NR9 4JB
Welcome to Hingham School!
This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up-to-date information for parents, pupils and the wider community. Our vision - to Nurture, Learn and Achieve - runs through all we do. We support children to grow into independent, resilient learners. We celebrate their achievement and nurture them along each step of the journey.
We have approximately 180 pupils on roll and they are grouped in 7 classes of single-year groups. We are lucky enough to have spacious classroom buildings and lots of outside space, including an enormous field and a Forest School on site. We love being outside and rarely have "wet play" - we just pop our wellies on!
Our teachers and teaching assistants are committed to making Hingham School a supportive, caring place to learn. We aim to offer big opportunities in a small school, offering clubs, sports, music lessons and performances alongside an engaging school curriculum.
We focus on building up confidence to work collaboratively, knowing that it is important that everyone's voice is valued. This year we have joined "Voice 21" and believe that this will "transform the learning and life chances of young people through talk".
We hope that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school with any queries you may have and we look forward to meeting you.
Mrs Vickie Newrick