
Hingham Primary School

Nurture - Learn - Achieve

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Hingham Primary School

Nurture - Learn - Achieve




Check out our 'One-pagers' below to find out what the children are learning in each subject.


If you would like to know more about your child's curriculum and learning please contact the class teacher via the class emails.

To find our more about how our curriculum supports our Equality and Accessibility objectives please got o the Equality Statement and Accessibility Plan from the link below.

Statutory assessment and curriculum


Children follow the National Curriculum 2014 (see link below) as the basic curriculum.


Teaching staff are always carefully assessing what children can do and understand in order to carefully plan next steps in their learning. This is an ongoing process, but there are also some key points of statutory assessment in school. These are specific points where assessment information is gathered and submitted to the Local Authority and Department for Education to confirm the attainment of each child in school.


In EYFS, there are two points of assessment 

  • Baseline - informal assessments within the first months of starting school. (currently non-statutory)
  • EYFS Profile - summary of the where the children are in relation to the expected Good Level of Development at the end of the reception year.

Neither of these assessments are formal and will be carried out through observations and opportunities provided by all EYFS staff.


In Key Stage 1, there is one statutory assessment:

  • The Phonics Screening at the end of Year 1 (and 2 if applicable).
  • (The Year 2 assessments are no longer statutory and will not be reported externally.)


In Key Stage 2, there are currently two statutory assessments:

  • The Multiplication Screening Check is carried out in Year 4.
  • The end of Key Stage 2 assessment which take place in May of Year 6.


If you have any questions, please ask your child's class teacher.

Also, the Department for Education have a useful documents for children in Statutory Assessment year groups. See the links below.

Other useful links
Click below to get to other pages that show the children's learning including the Class Pages and Forest Schools.