
Hingham Primary School

Nurture - Learn - Achieve

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Hingham Primary School

Nurture - Learn - Achieve

New Starters

Uniform supplier - Birds of Dereham - for further details about uniform click to go to our website page about uniform.

Parentmail - used for school communication via email or app.

SchoolMoney - used to order and pay for lunches and to book and pay for activities/events including after school club

Friends of Hingham Primary School - fund raising team (PTA)

After School Club and Breakfast club



This poster will help you decide if you need to keep your child off school. Here is what you need to do if your child needs to stay at home.

Expected absence procedure for parents:


If a child is absent from school the parent must follow these procedures:

  • Contact the school on the first day of absence before 9:10am when our register closes.
  • Our preferred communication method is by phone – (01953 850304). There is the option to leave a Voicemail message if the staff are busy. Parents/Carers should leave a message.
  • Alternatively, parents/carers can email reason for absence or speak to the school office to explain the absence –
  • Contact the school on every further day of absence, again before 9:10am.
  • Ensure that your child returns to school as soon as possible.