
Hingham Primary School

Nurture - Learn - Achieve

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Hingham Primary School

Nurture - Learn - Achieve

Roles and Responsibilities

Pupil Leaders

On this page you will find all the different roles and responsibilities that the children at Hingham Primary School can do. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for all areas of the school, with everybody demonstrating how they are 'On Board!'

Team Captains
These are our Team Captains. They are responsible for leading team events for example Sports day and other Colour Team based events throughout the year.

We have four colour teams - Red, Yellow, Blue and Green to which the children are allocated when they start school in Reception. 



Our prefects are an amazing group of young people who have volunteered themselves to take on extra responsibilities around the school. Our team of Prefects are excellent role models to the rest of the school. They take on a range of responsibilities, including showing new parents around the school, helping out in the dinner hall and helping the younger children at points throughout the day.

School Council


We have an active School Council who meet monthly throughout the year. School Council is made up from 2 or 3 children from Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and 3 representatives from Y6, including the Chair and the Secretary. The School Council also has representatives from the Young Carers Crew. 

The children help in shaping the way that things are done at Hingham Primary school. School Council meet roughly once a month.


Huff and Puff Leaders
Huff and Puff leaders are a group of Year 5 children who organise the play equipment that is used during lunch break. They give out play equipment for all children to use and make sure that it is returned safely and stored properly. 
